ETG News 2018

ETG welcomes WITRON as 5,000th member
11/2018 | At this year‘s SPS IPC Drives exhibition in Nuremberg, Germany, the EtherCAT Technology Group achieved two remarkable milestones: It celebrated exactly 15 years since ETG was established with 33 founding members, and with the addition of WITRON Logistics + Informatics GmbH, ETG welcomed its 5,000th member.
Dmitry Dzilno elected to Board of Directors of ETG
11/2018 | The EtherCAT Technology Group (ETG) has a new member on its Board of Directors: during the SPS IPC Drives 2018 exhibition in Nuremberg, Germany, Dmitry A. Dzilno of Applied Materials was elected to the post by the assembled representatives of ETG member companies. He succeeds Erich Hutflesz of Schuler Group, who has been active on the ETG Board of Directors since 2005.As head of control technology for the Platform Engineering Division, Dzilno recognized the exciting potential that EtherCAT offered for the semiconductor industry at a very early stage and made AMAT one of the founding members of ETG in 2003. Dzilno has been instrumental in making EtherCAT the leading fieldbus in chip manufacturing. He is currently Head of Engineering at the ALD Division as Managing Director and Senior Principal Member of Technical Staff at AMAT.
Dr. Peter Heidrich, Professor of Engineering at Pforzheim University of Applied Sciences, and Martin Rostan, Executive Director of ETG, were confirmed in continuing their roles on the Board of Directors during the Membership Assembly.

ETG now offers vendor-independent diagnosis interface
11/2018 | The EtherCAT Technology Group (ETG) has specified a new vendor-independent diagnosis interface, which allows third-party tools to access diagnostic information from EtherCAT networks. The software-based interface can be implemented in controllers offered by any device manufacturer, which makes it an interesting feature to vendors of both master devices and diagnostic tools.The specification ETG.1510 “Profile for Master Diagnosis Interface” enhances the “EtherCAT Master Classes” specification and extends the EtherCAT Master Object Dictionary already defined in the “Modular Device Profile” specification. Likewise, the access mechanism makes use of the already specified Mailbox Gateway functionality. Based on already existing standards, the new profile is therefore easy and straightforward to implement.

SPS IPC Drives: ETG Joint Booth
11/2018 | From Nov 27th to Nov 29th, 2018, we will exhibit at this year’s SPS IPC Drives in Nuremberg, Germany. Together with 56 co-exhibitors we’ll show more than 500 products and solutions with EtherCAT at our ETG Joint Booth in Hall 5, Booth 310.A brand-new live demo showing the master-independent diagnosis interface will be one of the ETG booth highlights this year. Updated information walls about TSN (Time-Sensitive Networking), EtherCAT P, Safety over EtherCAT as well as EtherCAT device development round off our versatile tradeshow program. For easy navigation on our booth, the products are categorized again into Control Systems, Development, Drive Technology, I/O & Gateways, Sensors & Actuators, Functional Safety as well as EtherCAT P Products. Visitors can explore technical details and further information about the individual products via the interactive touch panels on each product wall. Furthermore, we’ll exhibit multi-vendor product presentations and live demonstrations to show the various beneficial features of EtherCAT. The EtherCAT experts together with our co-exhibitors’ booth personnel will be available for technical discussions and questions about EtherCAT during the whole tradeshow. We are looking forward to meeting you at our ETG Joint Booth (Hall 5/310) in Nuremberg!

ETG Website now available in a sixth language: Spanish
10/2018 | The official website of the EtherCAT Technology Group has now also been translated into Spanish. With more and more language versions, the access to EtherCAT is further facilitated for a wide audience. The EtherCAT brochure, currently available in 7 languages, has been available in Spanish since the beginning of the year.
Official Website and Brochure of ETG Now Available in Italian
10/2018 | The official EtherCAT Technology Group (ETG) website is now available in a fifth language: Italian. The EtherCAT brochure had already been translated into Italian leading up to SPS IPC Drives Italia 2018.
EtherCAT Seminar Series in Spain
09/2018 | ETG is again presenting a half-day and free-of-charge EtherCAT seminar series in Spain, taking place on Oct 16th (Madrid), Oct 17th (San Sebastián) and Oct 19th (Barcelona).These seminars offer an exclusive chance to get the latest news and developments about EtherCAT. Expert’s presentations from EtherCAT Technology Group, local application examples, the accompanying table-top exhibition as well as time for personal discussions on-site with the speakers provide you with a complete overview on benefits and challenges of EtherCAT and Industrie 4.0 for you and your application! Other hot topics like EtherCAT P, Installation and Diagnosis of EtherCAT networks will be covered as well. This roadshow is supported by Beckhoff Spain.Register online as soon as possible, as the number of seats is limited.

EtherCAT Seminar Series in France
08/2018 | We cordially invite everybody interested in learning about Industrial Ethernet, Industrie 4.0, and especially EtherCAT, to participate in our EtherCAT Seminar Series in France, taking place in Toulouse (Oct 10) and Lyon (Oct 11).These full-day and free-of-charge events are a great chance to get access to EtherCAT technology in the French market.
Expert’s presentations from EtherCAT Technology Group, the co-sponsors‘ application presentations, the table-top exhibition as well as time for personal discussions on-site with the speakers provide you with a complete overview on benefits and challenges of EtherCAT for you and your application! These EtherCAT events in France will be supported and accompanied by ETG members I.S.I.T (main sponsor), BECKHOFF Automation, COPA-DATA, Deutschmann, FESTO, Hilscher, HMS Industrial Networks, IntervalZero and Koenig-pa.
For further event details please check the following links. Please register soon, as the number of seats is limited:
Seminar Website, incl. Agenda, Speaker, Online Registration
Invitation (PDF)

EtherCAT Information Day Seminars in North America
08/2018 | We are inviting everybody interested to the free-of-charge Industrial Ethernet Seminar Series, taking place at selected premium venues in Zeeland (Sep 26), Baltimore (Oct 03) and Boston (Oct 05).
Industrial Ethernet and EtherCAT in particular are hot topics in the global automation industry: Traditional fieldbus systems are showing their limitations today as new technologies appear that provide more performance and support for Internet protocols. Automation system users have to decide if, when and how to adopt these next generation networks. Experts' presentations from the EtherCAT Technology Group as well as time for on-site networking and discussion with the experts and the accompanying table-top exhibition provide you with a complete overview on the benefits of EtherCAT for you and your application, especially in the context of Industrie 4.0 and IoT. As the seminars are sponsored by Beckhoff Automation, participation is free of charge.
Please find the official invitation and seminar website with online registration form below:
Seminar Website, incl. Agenda, Speaker, Online Registration
Invitation (PDF)

EtherCAT and TSN Technical Working Group Kick-Off Meeting
08/2018 | The new Technical Working Group (TWG) on EtherCAT and Time-Sensitive Networking (TSN), which was initiated by ETG, had its first meeting at the end of July. Currently, 16 companies are represented in this TWG, among them two of the world's largest manufacturers of industrial switches, as well as other leading high-tech companies.The TWG addresses the interworking of EtherCAT and TSN – a first version of the corresponding profile specification has been available since last year. A special feature of the ETG-proposed future use of TSN is that EtherCAT itself remains unchanged: It is not a new technology version, but an extension, that makes it possible to address EtherCAT segments through heterogeneous TSN networks. The advantages of EtherCAT technology are maintained and combined with the advantages of TSN technology.
The TWG highly values its cooperation with the IEEE 802.1 TSN Task Group (TG) and its formally established partnership with the JWG IEC/IEEE 60802 via a liaison. Many TWG companies also work together in the LNI 4.0 TSN Testbed. This helps achieve conformity not only for the EtherCAT TSN approach, but also to test the joint use of TSN networks with other manufacturers and technologies and address specification gaps. Like the ETG, LNI 4.0 is committed to small and medium-sized device manufacturers and machine builders. As a result, this group will receive an interoperable solution from a large number of providers shortly following the completion of TSN specification.

Successful ETG member meetings in Japan & South Korea
08/2018 | Recently, the annual regional EtherCAT Technology Group (ETG) Member Meetings were held in Japan and South Korea. Numerous participants from ETG member companies received information about the latest developments in EtherCAT technology, the global activities of the ETG and local EtherCAT applications.The ninth Korean Member Meeting took place in the capital city of Seoul. Martin Rostan, executive director of the EtherCAT Technology Group, opened the meeting with an introduction on the current status of the technology as well as the numerous activities of the ETG, including its worldwide seminar series and participation in trade shows. In particular, the presentation about the EtherCAT and Time-Sensitive Networking (TSN) profile attracted many listeners.
In addition, numerous ETG member companies contributed through exciting presentations on the advantageous use of EtherCAT in their applications. The Department of Medical Robotics at the Korea Institute of Science and Technology (KIST) presented the topic of ModMan (modular manipulator), a research project that relies on EtherCAT technology. Stone Child Autotainment presented their SCAT-D, a solution for high-speed data acquisition and analysis based on EtherCAT communication. In addition, HMS Industrial Networks discussed secure communication via Safety-over-EtherCAT, and DAINCUBE presented its EtherCAT robot controller.
At the 12th Member Meeting in Japan, many members accepted the invitation to the regional ETG Member Meeting and attended the presentations by the Japanese ETG representative and the ETG Regional Committee in Japan. The participants received a comprehensive technology update, as well as an overview of the latest global activities of the ETG. Another important point on this year's agenda was conformity, as the interoperability of the EtherCAT devices contributes to the success of the technology.
These meetings drew a large number of participants, showing that there is great interest in Asia regarding EtherCAT technology and its use in the context of current trends such as Industrie 4.0 and TSN. In addition, the number of ETG members in Asia keeps increasing steadily. Over a third of all ETG members are now based in Asia, mainly from China, Japan and South Korea. The ETG itself is also very active in Asia: the organization offers countless seminars for beginners and developers, and it maintains a strong presence at the most important trade shows. The established and well-attended Plug Fests also continue to play a key role, where developers meet to test their EtherCAT implementations.

South African Breakfast Seminars
08/2018 | Together with our media partner Technews Publishing (Pty) Ltd. we cordially invite everyone interested in learning about Industrial Ethernet and especially EtherCAT to participate in our EtherCAT seminar series 2018, taking place from Oct 10 to Oct 17, 2018, at exclusive venues in South Africa.The half-day and free-of-charge events held in breakfast-style are a great chance to get access to EtherCAT technology in the South African market. Experts‘ presentations from the EtherCAT Technology Group, the sponsors‘ table-top exhibition and time for personal discussion on-site provide you with a complete overview on benefits and challenges of EtherCAT for you and your application! The EtherCAT seminars in South Africa will be supported and accompanied by ANA-DIGI SYSTEMS, Beckhoff Automation, FESTO, ifm, OMRON and SA Power.
For further event details please check the following link and register soon, as the number of seats is limited.
Seminar Website, incl. Agenda, Speaker, Online Registration:

EtherCAT Seminar Series in Australia & New Zealand (Oct 2018)
08/2018 | Again, we are inviting everybody interested to the free-of-charge Industrial Ethernet Seminar Series, taking place from Oct 19 to 26, 2018 at selected premium venues in Australia and New Zealand.Industrial Ethernet and EtherCAT in particular are hot topics in the global automation industry: Traditional fieldbus systems are showing their limitations today as new technologies appear that provide more performance and support for Internet protocols. Automation system users have to decide if, when and how to adopt these next generation networks. Experts' presentations from the EtherCAT Technology Group as well as time for on-site networking and discussion with the experts and the accompanying table-top exhibition provide you with a complete overview on the benefits of EtherCAT for you and your application, especially in the context of Industrie 4.0 and IoT.
Links to the agenda, further detailed information and online registration can be found below. Participation is free of charge.
Invitation Flyer
Online Registration

EtherCAT Seminar Series Brazil
08/2018 | We cordially invite you to participate in this exclusive ETG Seminar Series in Brasil 2018, taking place Sep 11 (São Caetano do Sul/SP), Sep 12 (Sorocaba/SP), Sep 18 (São Leopoldo/RS) and Sep 20 (Rio de Janeiro/RJ).These full-day and free-of-charge events are a great chance to learn about EtherCAT, especially in the context of digital transformation, covering hot topics like IoT. TSN and Industrie 4.0. Expert’s presentations from EtherCAT Technology Group, local application examples, the accompanying table-top exhibition and time for personal discussions on-site with EtherCAT experts provide you with a complete overview on benefits of EtherCAT for you and your application!
The seminar series is supported by Beckhoff Automation Brazil. Register online as soon as possible, as the number of seats is limited. Please find the official invitation and seminar website with online registration form in Portuguese language below:

ETG meets for 2018 Global Strategy Meeting
07/2018 | In June 2018, the global team of EtherCAT Technology Group (ETG) met for the biennial ETG Global Strategy Meeting in Leinburg, near Nuremberg, Germany. The ETG employees from the Nuremberg headquarters gathered with their colleagues from ETG offices in China, Japan, South Korea and the U.S. to discuss the organization’s future strategy and to connect on a personal level.The meeting’s main topics included the status and development of EtherCAT technology in the context of Industrie 4.0 and IoT. Along with the strategic planning for the years ahead, internal project work and communication processes were also key points of discussion. Gaining insight into theories of intercultural communication and applying these theories during team-building events helped enhance collaboration within the multinational ETG team.
Bob Trask, PE, who has led the North American ETG office since the beginning of 2018, attended the Global Strategy Meeting for the first time: “Technical brilliance. I am amazed at the competence of the EtherCAT Technology Group team, their commitment to the industry, and the continual refinement of the tools necessary for EtherCAT compliance,” Trask said.
The organization’s strong growth is also reflected in the increasing number of ETG employees. The team has grown significantly since the last meeting two years ago, so the meeting was a welcome opportunity for team building and professional development.

ETG exhibits at IAMD (Beijing) in Hall 1-20
05/2018 | ETG exhbits at IAMD - Integrated Automation Motion & Drives Beijing tradeshow from May 9-11 in Hall 1-20. The ETG Joint Booth shows various EtherCAT products and solutions from more than 20 different companies.In addition you can inform yourself about the ideal combination of EtherCAT & TSN (Time-Sensitive Networking)! We are happy to invite you and our technical engineers looking forward to discuss your questions and applications.

EtherCAT Seminar in Hamburg on May 15, 2018!
05/2018 | We cordially invite everybody interested in learning about Industrial Ethernet, Industrie 4.0, TSN, and especially EtherCAT to participate in an exclusive EtherCAT Seminar at 'Der Hamburger und Germania Ruder Club' in Hamburg, Germany, on May 15, 2018.Industrial Ethernet and EtherCAT in particular are hot topics in the global automation industry: Traditional fieldbus systems are showing their limitations today as new technologies are appearing that provide more performance and support for Internet protocols. Automation system users have to decide if, when and how to adopt these next generation networks. Experts‘ presentations from the EtherCAT Technology Group and local application examples as well as time for on-site networking and discussion with the experts and the accompanying table-top exhibition provide you with a complete overview on benefits and challenges of EtherCAT for you and your application. Other hot topics like EtherCAT P, TSN (Time-Sensitive Networking), installation and diagnosis of EtherCAT networks will be covered as well. This seminar is supported by BECKHOFF Automation. The links to the seminar page (available in German language only) including agenda, further information and online registration can be found below. Participation is free of charge. Download your personal invitation and register online already today!

EtherCAT Approach Supported by Key TSN Switch Vendors
04/2018 | The approach to TSN as introduced by the EtherCAT Technology Group is now supported by key TSN technology providers and major switch manufacturers: Moxa, Hirschmann, Hilscher and Xilinx will all implement the EtherCAT TSN stream adaptation functionality in their TSN switches and infrastructure products. This will allow users to directly connect EtherCAT slave devices and entire networks to heterogeneous TSN domains without any change or modification to the EtherCAT devices.In November 2017 the EtherCAT Technology Group (ETG) was the first major fieldbus organization to publish a TSN profile that specifies how EtherCAT will make use of TSN technologies. Because EtherCAT uses TSN streams for deterministic communication through heterogeneous network environments it is used where it makes the most sense: above the EtherCAT segments. This means that all the high-performance features of EtherCAT are fully preserved, and EtherCAT devices do not have to be modified for TSN at all. The TSN stream adaptation feature that connects the EtherCAT segment to the TSN network can be placed in the TSN switch or in the first EtherCAT device. Now, key TSN technology providers are announcing their support for this approach.

Join our EtherCAT Seminar in Istanbul!
04/2018 | It is our great pleasure to invite everybody interested in learning about Industrial Ethernet and especially EtherCAT to participate in our free-of-charge Seminar in Turkey, taking place in Istanbul on Wednesday, May 9.Industrial Ethernet and EtherCAT in particular are hot topics in the global automation industry: Traditional fieldbus systems are showing their limitations today as new technologies are appearing that provide more performance and support for Internet protocols. Automation system users have to decide if, when and how to adopt these next generation networks.
Expert's presentations from the EtherCAT Technology Group and local application examples as well as time for on-site networking and discussion with the experts and the accompanying table-top exhibition provide you with a complete overview on benefits and challenges of EtherCAT for you and your application, especially in the context of Industrie 4.0 and IoT. Other hot topics like EtherCAT P or TSN (Time-Sensitive Networking) will be handled as well.
This seminar is supported by Beckhoff, Danfoss, Leuze, Pepperl+Fuchs and Stäubli.
Check out the agenda and register online already today under the following link:
Please also download and forward your personal invitation to your colleagues:
EtherCAT Seminar Turkey 2018 (PDF)

ETG @ Hannover Messe 2018
04/2018 | At Hannover Messe 2018 we present EtherCAT technology together with 70 co-exhibitors in hall 9, stand D18. Our ETG Joint Booth impresses with record-breaking 500 products and solutions with EtherCAT.To simplify the navigation through the great product variety we categorize the products in Control Systems, Development Products, Drive Technology, I/O and Gateway, Sensors & Actuators, Safety as well as EtherCAT P and EtherCAT & TSN. Via the wall-mounted touch panels, visitors can access technical details and information about the individual products and devices. Furthermore, the panels contain comprehensive background material about ETG and the co-exhibitors, but also about the different beneficial features of EtherCAT technology as well as its use in practice. Also this year, there will be our well-known multi axis presenter demonstrating how 35 axes by 24 different vendors are controlled at the same time in only one network. Information walls about Safety over EtherCAT, EtherCAT device development as well as the enhanced Industrie 4.0/TSN-Demo round off our versatile tradeshow program.
The EtherCAT experts together with our co-exhibitors’ booth personnel will be available for technical discussions and questions about EtherCAT during the whole tradeshow. We’re looking forward to meeting you at our ETG Joint Booth (Hall 9/D18) in Hanover!

EtherCAT Roadshow SEA in Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam & Malaysia
03/2018 | We invite all interested end users and system integrators to the free of charge Industrial Ethernet Seminars SEA at venues in Singapore (March 21), Thailand (March 23), Vietnam (March 26) and Malaysia (March 27 & 28).Take the chance and become a part of those educational events about EtherCAT and Industrial Ethernet delivered by our experts! During the events participants learn about the benefits and challenges of Industrial Ethernet and get the possibility to talk to EtherCAT experts face-to-face. Additionally, a sponsor’s table-top exhibition gives an impression of the variety of EtherCAT in practical use.
Check out the agenda and register online under the following links:
EtherCAT Roadshow Singapur | 21 March 2018
Carlton Hotel Singapur, Singapur
EtherCAT Roadshow Thailand | 23 March 2018
Sofitel Bangkok Sukhumvit, Bangkok
EtherCAT Roadshow Vietnam | 26 March 2018
Novotel Saigon Centre, Ho-Chi-Minh-Stadt
EtherCAT Roadshow Malaysia | 27 March 2018
Olive Tree Hotel, Penang
EtherCAT Roadshow Malaysia | 28 March 2018
The Royale Chulan Damansara, Kuala Lumpur

Join our EtherCAT Technology Day 2018 in the Netherlands!
02/2018 | We cordially invite everybody interested in learning about Industrial Ethernet, Industrie 4.0, and especially EtherCAT, to participate at our free-of-charge full-day EtherCAT Technology Day in the Netherlands, taking place in Eindhoven on Tuesday, March 20, 2018.An exclusive update on the latest developments and adoption rate of EtherCAT as well as the success story in the semiconductor industry will form part of the agenda. For sure we'll talk about the opportunities of digital transformation with EtherCAT with regard to time-sensitive networking (TSN), Industrie 4.0 and IoT.
In parallel to the presentations you will be able to attend speed dating sessions with EtherCAT experts to discuss your personal questions. Together with the sponsors‘ table top exhibition, this days offers you a comprehensive overview of the advantages and opportunities of Industrial Ethernet for you and your application! As EtherCAT is the fastest Industrial Ethernet solution it provides industry leading performance, flexibility and cost advantages.
The EtherCAT Technology Day in the Netherlands will be supported and accompanied by ETG members BECKHOFF Automation, Festo, Hilscher and Team Fast.
Check out the agenda and register online today under the following link:
Please also download and forward your personal invitation to your colleagues:

ETG @ embedded world 2018
02/2018 | We cordially invite you to visit us from February 27 to March 1 at this year’s embedded world in Nuremberg, Germany. Come to our stand in hall 3A, booth #215 and experience why EtherCAT technology is the best Industrial Ethernet technology available for embedded systems!Due to its system features EtherCAT is suited perfectly for the embedded market. The technology doesn’t need any switches or hubs and is the only hard real-time capable Industrial Ethernet technology which doesn’t require special hardware in the master. Additionally, the gross of the slave connection is integrated in cost effective chips instead of stacks which also makes the slave implementation very simple.
Visitors can look forward to live product demonstrations as well as a great number of development products for the embedded market. The EtherCAT experts on-site are looking forward to discuss questions about the technology and the special requirements in the field of embedded systems with all visitors.
Get a free season ticket here: www.embedded-world.de/voucher (E-Code B376993).

2018 EtherCAT Seminar Series India
01/2018 | It is our great pleasure to invite everybody interested in learning about Industrial Ethernet, Industrie 4.0 & IoT and especially EtherCAT to participate in EtherCAT Seminars in India on Tuesday, February 20 (Chennai), Wednesday, February 21 (Coimbatore), Friday, February 23 (Bangalore) and Saturday, February 24 (Pune).These full-day and free-of-charge events are a great chance to learn about EtherCAT, especially in the context of digital transformation covering hot topics like TSN (Time-Sensitive Networking), OPC, IoT and Industry 4.0. Expert’s presentations from EtherCAT Technology Group, local application examples, the accompanied table-top exhibition and time for personal discussions on-site with EtherCAT experts provide you with a complete overview on benefits and challenges of EtherCAT and Industrie 4.0 for you and your application! These events are supported by Beckhoff Automation India. Register online as soon as possible, as the number of seats is limited.
Please find the official invitation and seminar website with online registration form below:
Invitation Flyer (PDF)