EtherCAT Training System
RETS, an abbreviation for Redone Technologies' EtherCAT Training System, is the EtherCAT Protocol-based system for research, education, and development.
RETS offers an optimized environment for teaching EtherCAT device developers and EtherCAT application users.
Features and Functions:
- EtherCAT protocol analysis and test environments for EtherCAT device developers.
- Supports slave side memory read/write functions.
- Checks error handling and communication
- Built-in applications and expansion terminals:
- Independent 32-channel digital input and output application and expansion terminals
- 4-channel analog input and output application and expansion terminals.
- Includes a sensor application
- Three operational modes:
- Mode 1 : Protocol analysis and communication test mode for EtherCAT device developers.
- Mode 2 : EtherCAT application control mode for EtherCAT application users.
- Mode 3 : Manual control mode for RETS V1.0 board and IO application tests.
Product Components:
- RETS target board with FB1120
- Application sample code
- Power and EtherCAT cable
- User manual and technology support
- TwinCAT IO from Beckhoff
Through RETS V1.0, EtherCAT developers gain hands-on technology experience and also shorten the hours for developing EtherCAT devices. In addition, EtherCAT system users can experience various application programming practices based on built-in applications from IEC61131-3 language to VC++. It also allows the user to maximize the educational learning effects through their own application expansion and control.