Costantino CNC
ISAC most recent product is Costantino, that is a SoftCNC that can completely be customized by OEM customer to create their own CNC solution, using proven and robust components.
Costantino runs on any IPC so you can choose your favorite brand that can guarantee international support on hardware components. It uses INtime from Tenasys as real time OS, and runs completely independent on Windows using its dedicated CPU processors in a multicore environment, its dedicated memory amount and its Ethernet controller.
Costantino connects with servo and IO devices of any brand using its integrated EtherCAT master and configurator. If customer wish to use different fieldbus such as Mechatrolink or CANopen, Costantino can interface an ISAC-provided EtherCAT slave device that provide compatibility with all of these interfaces, and more.
In addition to the natively supported fieldbuses, OEM customers like you can add support to any other fieldbus using an SDK that allow to easily develop by yourself our using ISAC engineering help.
Costantino comes with a PLC environment that is compatible IEC61131-3, so you can program it with any of the language that is part of the standard: ST, IL, LD, FBD, SCD. In addition, you can create FBs in C language and thus reuse components written for different hardware solutions.
Costantino CNC interprets G-codes (ISO6983) with some features that are important in many application; with 25,000 blocks/sec and more than 200 blocks of look ahead, it is one of the fastest CNC in the market.
- All movements are under Jerk control for tooltip and joints, this guarantees the best mechanics lifetime and performance;
- It can support up to 8 different interpolation programs at the same time, and handle auxiliary axes for clams, loaders and unloaders, or tool change, for a total of 128 axes;
- It supports High Speed Machining, that keeps cutting federate constant, reduces machining timing, and reduces machine vibrations;
- It comes with high accurate vibration suppression algorithms, following error compensation, velocity feed forward and many other tools to achieve the best cutting results;
- It compensates tool length and radius;
- It can handle online tool measures, tool wearing and life, and complex tool change procedure;
- It includes 5 axis machining interpolator to program tool tip in machines equipped with bi-rotative heads, tilting tables, and even robots.
- It comes with a powerful simulation engine capable of showing results on the material before machining takes part.
Costantino has a large number of complete applications libraries that can be used as they are or as a base for further customized developments. You can find some examples on Costantino website: