Registration: 8:30 am
End of seminar: 14:10 pm
Fieldbus- and Ethernet-Expert Martin Rostan, Executive Director of the EtherCAT Technology Group (ETG), and supporting ETG member companies.
The order and titles of presentations may vary.
8:30 am |
Inscription, welcome and table top exhibition |
9:00 am |
Opening |
9:05 am |
EtherCAT: The how and the why Martin Rostan, ETG Executive Director |
10:05 am |
Better diagnostics leads to less downtime Martin Rostan, ETG Executive Director |
10:20 am |
EtherCAT: unique cyber security features Martin Rostan, ETG Executive Director |
10:30 am |
Coffee and tea break, table top exhibition, ask the experts |
11:00 am |
EtherCAT success stories by sponsors:
Enhancing Machine Efficiency: The Role of PC-Based Automation in Smart Factories Endie Wibowo, Beckhoff Automation Indonesia
Efficient Data Collection for Quality Optimization and Track-and-Trace with Beckhoff PC-Based System Michael Mulyadi, Beckhoff Automation Indonesia
End of Line Automation System Hananto Rahardjo, PT. Industrial Robotic Automation
Digital Transformation in Manufacturing: Enhancing Process with OT-IT Integration Rafiendra Rahman Radithya, PT. Lanius Inovasi Indonesia
12:00 pm |
EtherCAT G/G10: even more bandwidth on the way! Martin Rostan, ETG Executive Director |
12:15 pm |
How users leverage EtherCAT to win business Martin Rostan, ETG Executive Director |
13:00 pm |
Q&A, wrap-up (photo), table top exhibition, end of presentations |
13:05 pm |
Lunch, table top exhibition, ask the experts |
Date and Venue:
July 11, 2024 Jakarta, Indonesia

