China Academic Journal Electronic Publishing House (White Paper): Main Controller Design in Wind Turbine Generator System Based on EtherCAT
Main Controller Design in Wind Turbine Generator System Based on EtherCAT
SHI Da-fa (1), WANG Hui (2), LIANG Xiao (2), RUAN Qian-ru (2)
(1 = Department of Electrical Engineering, College of Hunan Mechanical & Electrical Polytechnic, Changsha 410151, China)
(2 = College of Electrical & Information Engineering, Hunan University, Changsha 410082, China)
The control system of wind turbine is a key component to theVSCF wind power system. It can guarantee the optimum operating state and accurate control. Computer control technology and network control greatly improve the reliability and intelligence of wind turbines. Th is paper introduces Ethernet fo rCon tro lAutom ation Technology (EtherCAT), and designs main controller of the wind power system, which improves the capacity of real-time control and data transmission. In addition the hardware and software schemes are given.
Journal of Jishou University (Natural Science Edition),
China Academic Journal Electronic Publishing House, 2010-09
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China Academic Journal Electronic Publishing House (White Paper): Main Controller Design in Wind Turbine Generator System Based on EtherCAT | CN | Sep 10, 2010 | 0,78 MB |