FCT300 Master Controller
The system is CANopen and EtherCAT master and is based on a real-time operating system (Precise MQX) with drivers developed by CMZ. CMZ has developed a wide range of libraries for the classic axes movement functions like: electronic cams, interpolation, flying shear, weight and temperature control and libraries dedicated to the realization of whole machine.
Hardware features:
- Communication ports: RS232, 2xEthernet 10/100/1000 Mbps, serial RS422-485, synchronous communication (SMI port)
- Standard bus on board: 2xCANopen ports, 1xEtherCAT
- Optional bus: 2xAuxiliary CANopen, 2xEthernet 10/100 Mbps, Profibus DP slave, DeviceNet, EtherNet/IP
- Mass memory: 1xSD card for user data storage 1x internal SD card slot
- System time clock management
- Power supply: 24Vdc±20%

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