Preliminary Agenda
Inscription: 9:15 am
End of Seminar: 4:15 pm
Speakers: Fieldbus- and Ethernet-Experts from the EtherCAT Technology
Group and supporting companies. The order and titles of presentations may vary.
09:15 |
Inscription, Welcome
Coffee |
09:30 |
Welcome, Speaker
Introduction |
10:00 |
Unmodified Ethernet for Industrial
Martin Rostan, Executive Director, EtherCAT
Technology Group |
10:45 |
EtherCAT Technology Basics:
Ethernet on the fly
Martin Rostan, Executive Director, EtherCAT
Technology Group |
11:15 |
*** Break *** Table Top Exhibition |
11:30 |
Features and User Benefits
Martin Rostan, Executive Director, EtherCAT
Technology Group |
12:15 |
*** Lunch *** Table Top Exhibition |
1:45 |
EtherCAT enables eXtreme Fast Control
Martin Rostan, Executive Director, EtherCAT
Technology Group |
2:15 |
Competitive Advantages for Machine
Builders and End Users,
not only for motion control or closed loop
Martin Rostan, Executive Director, EtherCAT
Technology Group |
3:00 |
Migration from Classical Fieldbus Systems
Martin Rostan, Executive Director, EtherCAT
Technology Group |
3:30 |
Diagnostics with EtherCAT: simple and
Martin Rostan, Executive Director, EtherCAT
Technology Group |
4:00 |
Summary and Discussion, Q&A |
4:15 |
End |

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